Finally the winter is out of our country. Last Sunday it was pretty nice weather for showing off at the beach. Eva did a training walk for the Coastal Marathon (for walkers), so I took my latest MR-G to the beach. Today's featured G: MRG-100-7.

While most of us picture a metal watch in our mind when hearing the word MR-G, the series started in 1996 actually with models with a resin bezel. Though the case was titanium, the price of these MRG-1 models was with 24000 yen not yet very expensive.

The MRG-1 was designed to be small, matching with a suit and would slip easy under a long sleeve. The MR-G logo was't featured on the front, but engraved big on the screwback. .

In November 1996 the first MR-G models was released in the way we know it. Full metal, stylish and quite expensive

I was at the house of a friend when I just started collecting G-Shock's somewhere in 2001. He said he liked my G-Shock's, but if he would buy one, he would go for a MR-G. It was the first time I heard about MR-G actually.

Of course I was tickled by the name and started looking for them. Where you could become a G-Shock in good shape around DM40.- (now €20.-) in Germany, a MR-G would start at around DM140.-. Compared to other G-Shock, very expensive (note that when the Euro was introduced in 2002, prices for G-Shocks on eBay nearly doubled).

In August 2002 I got my first MR-G, It was a MRG-1000 Tactician, that in Germany was called "Oceal Liner". I should do an 50Gs on that one too, but now lets focus on this MRG-100.

The MRG-100 was the cheapest of the range metal MR-G models at the end of 2006. I think quite a few were being made, since the serial number on this one starts with 74.... This means it was produced in April 1997. The retail price in Japan was 40000 yen. In that days that would have been over 600 Dutch Guilders/DM 558.-/$353.- (€279.-), which was a lot of money in those days (source:
Historic Lookup)

Casio tells about this model, that 13 years after the birth of G-Shock, an adult G-Shock is designed. The whole structure breathes the atmosphere of protection. The sphered crystal and the solid watchband gives the feel of Luxury. The back protector makes it comfortable to wear.

While most MR-G models were available worldwide, the MRG-100 wasn't. Or yet it was, under another model number. In the catalog
MR-G 1999 it was listed as the DW-8900.

Actually when I bought this watch from a friend October 2008 (it was a real good bargain), I thought I was buying a DW-8900. I was really happily surprised I actually got the MRG-100 in the mail.

The MRG-100, is like all other MR-G models that I know, relative small and pretty heavy. The width of the case is 41 mm, while the case of the relaive small G-100 is already 46mm.

One reason why the MR-G is pretty heavy is the use of solid links on the bracelet. Also the case is very heavy, specially if you are used to the very light resin G-Shock's. Actually I like the feeling of weight on my wrist when I wear a MR-G.

On the back of the watch there is a rubber ring. This rubber ring is clamped between the case and the screwback. It is not only a back impact protector, but it makes the watch also comfortable to wear and keeps the case good in place on the arm.

The bracelet and case are made of brushed steel. Only the ring around the display is made of shiny metal, giving the watch a nice accent. The 4 screws that hold that ring in place, give the watch a very tough look, like it is saying "I'm indestructible".

The face plate (the part inside the case that blocks unused parts of the LCD display), is made of white plastic, covered with steel. On the edges the white plastic shines through, while most of the face plate is metal.

While most lettering is etched or printed on the metal, the MR-G logo stands out. The crystal is sphered, but it doesn't show as much reflection as the Raysman, Gaussman or Riseman.

The white "bridge" in the display, shows if a function is turned on or off. When a function is turned on, a small line appears on the display.

ALM and SIG stand for Alarm and Signal (duh), Split shows that you are watching split time in Stopwatch mode, Auto can be turned on in the Countdown timer mode.

A bit of a flaw, in my opinion, on these MRG Models, is that the alarm sounds very soft. Probably the massive metal case is muting the sound. It's not only on the MRG-100, but I noticed this on my other MR-G models too. So if you own one and think it's a defect, nope, it isn't. Maybe it fit's in the philosophy that MR-G models do not stand out (smaller, luxurious look, but easy fit under a sleeve).

One of the nicest function on the MR-G of these period, is the EL backlight. It has a very nice shade light blue EL. It's very bright and clear.

So, are there differences between the MRG-100 the DW-8900? For the DW-8900 Casio used the -1 version. The only differences are found at the bracelet and the screwback.

According the DW-8900 that
Sedi posted on the Uhren Forum, the Bracelet shows above the case the text SHOCK RESIST and under the case G-SHOCK (respectively G-Shock and MR-G on the MRG-100). WHere the MRG-100 shows the nice big MR-G logo, the DW-8900 shows G-SHOCK.

If you ask me if the DW-8900 is a MR-G, I would be very confident to say yes. Not only it is a MRG-100-1 with other lettering, it is also shown in the 1999 MR-G catalog 1999 under the name Luminary. Retail Price of the DW-8900 was DM549.-, which was in 1996 practically the same price as in Japan.
* A few versions were released with leather or resin strap.
Hello man, i would like to know any information you may share about the MR-G 1100 2. I have heard some buzz abuout this watch, but the information on internet about it is not so profuse. Thanks
Hi rosendo,
The MRG-1100 is quite a class apart. Unfortunately I do not own this MR-G Frogman. The watches I show on 50 Gs are from my private collection. I actually do not have a job that pays well, so I can't afford every G-Shock that comes in my way.
MRG-1100 combines both elegance and the robust appearance of MR-G with the looks of the most popular G-Shock model, the Frogman. It's the only metal Frogman model made.
Kind regards,
Awesome watch Sjors! I think I saw some of these photos on your blog a while back, pretty cool beach you have there. As always, I enjoyed this update!
Thanks for your answer.I used to collect g shock watches several years ago, but i decided to collect several brands of watches. Recently, i could buy a masters of g 1100 2 watch, and let me tell you, it was not expensive; in fact, i have bought watches of minor quality for a bigger price. Where i live (Venezuela), people don`t know quite much abuout these watches,having lots of stores in several cities. I bought this watch about a month ago, new, with national warranty. In the backcase, the serial numbers indicate the date of production.
When i have the chance, if you want it, i can send you photos of it, and besides, show you pictures of other models of gshock that are sold twice and many times the price of my watch.
I gill give you more information later. Thanks a lot.
P.S: I am a lower middle class worker, and i could afford one with no much money, but much luck.
Hi, I have one same as yours. However, it needs some recondition because it has a minor dotty fungus inside. Do I need to recondition this or buy newer one? I'm US,Californian guy. Thanks for your detailed post. -Scott
Hi StoneAge Man,
Can you be a bit more specific? Is the fungus visual in the display or do you mean a greenish substance on the inner back adsorber (the first rubber protection that you find if the case is opened)?
I believe that greenish substance is kind of normal. I don't know what it is, but I have seen it on several of these shock absorbers.
If it is in the display, it might use a good clean up and I think also it needs to be checked for water resistance, because it moist seem to have entered your case.
Alternatively (if you have the proper instruments) you can open the case and clean it yourself and after cleaning do not submerge the watch.
Looking for a "newer" one will be difficult. This model is made around 1996 to maybe 1999 and therefore more than 10 years out of production.
Kind regards,
I have a DW8900 from when they were first released (around 1997) I love the watch very much but after sending into Casio for repairs it started to let water in. I believe this was because they didn't seal it properly although they will not admit to liability. The upshot of this is that the module (movement) no longer worked and Casio UK couldn't find a new one to replace it as it was such an old model.
Anyway , I am looking for a module to fit into a DW8900 G Shock if anyone has any Ideas.
so are you like kind of a watch collector or someshort of that? because i have no idea how i came across the very intriguing website and i just typed in some random stuff and i found this amazing and very confusing website but it was interesing to my mind because i was just staring at these watches and they pondered my mind and i tried reading the posts but i had trouble understanding some of these words so can you tell me are you a watch collecter? cuz its very interesting and i would like to know more about it. sincerely a confused citizen of the united stats of AMERICAAAA. they took ur jobbbb!
Hi, did you post up your this watch on ebay for bidding? Just checking...
My G-Shocks are not for sale. This was a pretty common MR-G (about the cheapest of the series). You can find them from then to then, specially in Japan and Germany.
Hi there! I also have a Casio Mrg-100 and it's serial number starts with 73. Just want to know if links for this watch are still available and where?. I'm from the Philippines and it seems impossible to find it here. This is a great watch!
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