I am still quite amazed I did it again. Writing 50 articles about G-Shock's. Frankly the models to write about have thinned out drastically, but there are a few I want to write for some long time. I still have to make an appointment with half a twin to make a nice photo shoot, although, I think it's better to do it when it's warmer (May, June?). I got some new DVD's in. My friend Anicar recommended the movie "Ramen Girl"., As I like ramen and soba (there goes my mouth drewling again) very much, so I am curious about the movie. It's sad that the actress Brittany Murphy recently died at a young age. Have you by the way read the interview with me that Sneaker Freaker Magazine did? I felt very honored. I like to thank Anthony for the great time. I heard a little present is on the way for me. A quite rare present, it's actually amazing Anthony managed to get it for me. I hope it arrives soon. It's G-Shock related, so I might show it here first! So beside watching movies (two new episodes of Doctor Who are coming on the BBC soon!), what do I do with so much free time. I thought writing an small article about what I am doing and dreaming about. I want to visit Japan next year, so I have to cut deep into my G-Shock budget. I already did a bit in 2009. I "only" bought 47 G-Shocks. I think I am going to limit myself to maximal 1 G-Shock per month. Japan is an expensive country and my job as Technical Educating Assistant is great to do, but not paying very well. I have one dream, a quite expensive holy grail that is. The new GWF-1000 Frogman. Well, if limiting to so little G-Shock's, it must be possible to get one. I read that a lot of people like the B version more. It is of course a matter of personal preference, but actually I like the basic model. The better for my wallet. Of course I already broke my own promise. I bought a very special rare and wanted model. It will probably arrive somewhere after New Year. All I will reveal is that it is again a DW-6900 model, one that I wanted for a long time in exact the right color I wanted it. I bought it from a very good friend of me in Singapore (thanks Sky!) Meanwhile I am looking around for great T-Shirts. I am a huge fan of Hook Ups, the skateboard brand by Jeremy Klein. I missed a very nice print this year. I thought I found one T-Shirt size XL in California, but this shirt can't be found anywhere on the internet. Since it is hard to find Hook Ups in Europe, I gave up. Jeremy, if you are reading this and you have a spare XL of the "Bamboo Forest", give me a call! I think the print is quite different from other Hook Ups prints. I used to watch the "Samurai Jack" cartoons on tv. The evil god Aku (Evil in Japanese) was sometimes presented as a black bamboo forest. I first though it was a naked girl, but it seems more like the tight outfit Uma Thurman was wearing in Kill Bill. Talking about tight outfits. It seems that Uffie is wearing very tight suits lately. Not quite sure I like it, but if she feels confident walking around like that, let it be. No, then her new records. Lately her hit "Pop the Glock" was released as an remix EP (on Ed Banger of course). I didn't manage to find some previews of the remixes, but I am quite interested in the remix of Felix the Housecat. And for €8.- you can't this beautiful picture disk go. There is also more news on Uffie. Her new album " Sex Dreams & Denim Jeans" will finally released early 2010. Let's see how much of it is true. It was actually scheduled early 2009, but I believe it is now for real. For the fans of the Neptunes and N.E.R.D. Pharrel Williams, he will be on the new album of Uffie too (and also on the new album of Casius). Before " Sex Dreams & Denim Jeans" will be released a 12" will be released, called " MC's can Kiss". Check out this leaked out video.
More great music from France. Actually I heard this album this summer already, but somehow it didn't do much to me. Probably "OK Cowboy" was too deep engraved in my mind, but recently I found this mini-mix of the album. Check this out and make up yourself what you think about it. Don't ask me why a lot of good music is coming from France. I heard even a rumor that Daft Punk is coming with a new album in 2010. What to think about Legowelt. You might expect it's from Germany (the name means Lego World in German), but it's a one man's act from The Hague. The 12" "Disco Rout" has been an important record in my DJ case for the past years. The music is great, but also the cover art (reminding me of the travel posters of the 20's and 30's of the 20th century) is wonderful. Just recently I discovered that there is also a very beautiful video for this track. A very beautiful piece of art I think. By the way, the album above (only released on CDr) is quite nice too. It is made with sounds of an Amiga and brings back memories from long ago.
Let's go back to T-Shirts. Well, I am still looking for nice pieces. This Parra (below) is looking nice, but frankly at the moment most Rockwell shirts are not that where I am looking for.Then Cool cats. They put out this teaser a week ago for the release of a new series of "Girl 'n Cats" shirts. I think this is a great photo in this series. I'm not sure, but I think these photo's are from Michael Dupouy of La MJC. I specially like the last shirt. Also "Cats 'n Girls #2" was great, but quite unsuitable to wear at school I think. The artwork is by So Me, house designer of Ed Banger. Well, since we got again stuck in France, let's take a big hop across the world. Kiks Tyo has done it again. I think it's for the third time that they release "Lucky Packages" this year. I still love the first one, with Aki Hoshino dressed as a Santa KIKS Girl. I love these packages for the surprises, and for the price you always get something interesting. A year ago I got a great heavy weight winter hoodie and some great shirts. There is something about the sizes on the website (it shows only XXL, probably the hardest to get size on Japan, so I think they have to repair that), but I already sent them a message, so I think that problem will be over soon. If that isn't enough, KIKS TYO also launches 3 limited edition Tees with Yuu Tejima. All three are looking very good and have great artwork. I like the Beetle tee and the artwork on the "White Wings" is awesome. Maybe it was even better if it was printed on a black tee. Most eye catching I think it the "Black Cat" tee, as shown above. Maybe because I'm a real night animal and love cats (see "Girls 'n Cats"above).Meanwhile my Christmas Box hoodie got stuck at the customs. I believe it is released, so maybe tomorrow it will arrive. Probably with a nice Christmas Present bill from the Customs service (let's hope not). I very much like to wear this in time. From KIKS TYO to another KIKS. Nike took Nike Air a little too serious maybe, with this Bigfoot size model. Well, it's pretty transparent. Luckily this glass house (below) is less drafty. And since Big Brother is watching you every where, who cares about privacy. I saw a great TV program on the BBC last week. James May, you might probably know from the "Top Gear" series, is presenting a series about fascinations with toys. For this program he and (merely) his team build a house of 3.500.000 lego bricks (mainly 2x4). Not only the house, but also the interior, bed, chairs, toothbrush, razor, knives, toilet and even the cat was made out of Lego bricks. At the housewarming party a girlfriend arrives and gives James a bar of Lego chocolate . Candy might now be too good for your teeth, but this bar seems very bad for your teeth I think. (笑) You don't have to tell me Lego is great fun for young and old. I must figure out the drawing for the life size Lego cat. This year I ordered several Seasonal Items of the on-line shop. One of them was the "Winter Toy Shop". Luckily I was in time. It's sold out now and I have seen it on auction on eBay and people bid already with 150% of the original retail price. Also I bought these sporty Santa's. Since quite some snow fell here (which is pretty rare), I took the opportunity to let them play in real snow. Well, That's about all I had in mind to share with you. While writing I stumbled upon this great track. The original track is a French Hip Hop track, but DJ Gero made a very special version and wisely put the rapper out of it(LOL). Just play the track with the volume up.
I wish all G-Shock lovers over the world and other followers of my little blog a great Christmas and a very G-Shocking New Year! A big special shout to Riley @ My G-Shock, everyone at WatchUSeek (WUS), Jurphaas, Albe, Joakim, Sneaker Freaker and Kiks TYO for supporting me. May Santa be good for you all.
It's been another great run of 50 G posts Sjors. You always inform and entertain us. This new post seems to be lacking in G-Shocks, but delivers nonetheless.
Well, there seems to be more in life, besides G-Shock (笑). Since I finished 50 Gs pretty early, I though I shared other things I find interesting. Please check out the music video's of Legowelt (just simply beautiful) and DJ Gero (I sent the track to some DJ friends last week. The comments were pretty funny. They all told it was an awesome track and typical "Sjors".
It's been another great run of 50 G posts Sjors. You always inform and entertain us. This new post seems to be lacking in G-Shocks, but delivers nonetheless.
Hi Riley,
Well, there seems to be more in life, besides G-Shock (笑). Since I finished 50 Gs pretty early, I though I shared other things I find interesting. Please check out the music video's of Legowelt (just simply beautiful) and DJ Gero (I sent the track to some DJ friends last week. The comments were pretty funny. They all told it was an awesome track and typical "Sjors".
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