Bonjour. Ici Sjors (Georges) écrit de Mesland, France.

What do you pack for your holiday? This year I limited myself in packing 6 G-Shocks in a small box. I also didn't forget my swimming shorts and a good book.

I am actually a bad and slow reader, as I am somewhat dyslectic. I heard about the new movie after the book "Män som hatar Kvinnor" of Stieg Larsson (in Dutch it's called translated "Men that hate women").

The synopsis sounded pretty interesting, the critics were enthusiastic, so I ordered the book for during my holidays. I was pretty shocked when I got it: 560 pages! I thought with my reading skills of max 25 pages a day, this must be food for about a month.

So on Tuesday I finally started reading. Starting on such a thick "pill" looks like standing a the foot of the Mont Blanc before climbing it. The story was pretty entertaining, so I finished about 25 pages easily.

On Wednesday I ended up at page 80. On Thursday I got taken over by the book. Finally I fell asleep around page 250. On Friday, late in the afternoon (around 18:00), I turned the last page at the side of the pool. "Hé, where did the rest of the family go".

Even the well shaped French girl in black and red Dolce and Gabbana bikini that I now and then observed above my pages (well, we are in France and by the way, she's observing back), who was funny singing in herself to her MP3 player, had packed her towel probably hours ago. I must say it's a good book, but now what...

Lets do some night photography. A year ago I very much liked the photo's of my Rising White DW-5025B. Lets see if I can add some more. It's a beautiful night, so I'll use the moonlight outside, with a little help of my red anodized AA Maglite. Though it is around 28° C in the afternoon, it is getting pretty cold at night. I spotted Jupiter between the trees.

Tomorrow we'll visit the castle of Cheverny. It's known world wide as Moulinsart in the stories of Tin Tin. Hergé created Captain Haddock's castle after that of Cheverny. Maybe I should buy a book there, for the rest of my holidays. Now, what shall I wear tomorrow?

Amitiés de France, Au Revoir, Bon Journée!
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